● Research tells us to focus 80% of our effort on — proper nutrition! Just 20% is on exercise.
Note: The CDC reports only 50% of people get regular exercise!
This = $117 billion in yearly healthcare costs! Think what reducing this would do to the cost of your health insurance!
● Some steps to take:
-> Move as fast as you can away from SAD [Standard American Diet]
-> Buy and eat as many fresh, grass-fed, & farm-raised products as you can!
● The essential step when moving away from SAD is to — avoid sugar:
-> It's addictive — sugar can ruin your health in 143 ways.
-> During the pandemic's ups and downs, we learned a robust immune system is vital. Guess what!
The # 1 thing on the list of steps to help your immune system — no Sugar!
● Research tells us — proper nutrition gives you:
-> a much better chance of avoiding expensive medical treatment!
-> the ability to correct medical situations vs medications!
● A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found nearly half of all deaths related to heart disease, stroke, and diabetes can be attributed to diet.
What about supplements: — they are not a "magic bullet" but can be an effective alternative to prescription medications for many, but not all, people!
Note: When taking or thinking about supplements, it's essential to fully understand those and the herbs you now use or are thinking about and what they do.
I am pleased to provide this incredible resource — MedlinePlus.
This site includes information about the effectiveness of your supplements — usual dosage — and whether there are any interactions with medications.